
Welcome to the 人力资源 Department. The goal of the 人力资源 Department is to ensure that highly qualified individuals are recruited, 发达, 训练有素的, 和留存. 除了, this department facilitates hiring procedures and practices, along with centralized record management and personnel records. 人力资源 also assists by serving management, 员工, 和退休人员, 解释工会合同, complying with federal and state employment laws, and managing supplemental compensation (benefits).


就业应用程序 | 点击这里打开


Access Blue New England - Summary of Benefits and Coverage | 点击这里打开
BlueChoice Two-Tier - Summary of Benefits and Coverage | 点击这里打开
BlueChoice Three-Tier - Summary of Benefits and Coverage | 点击这里打开
CHIPRA通知 | 点击这里打开
Open Enrollment Notice for Employees | 点击这里打开
Open Enrollment Notice for Retirees | 点击这里打开
特别报名通知 | 点击这里打开
HealthTrust Medical and/or Dental Enrollment/Change Form | 点击这里打开