
十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台市的规划和发展部门准备了以下指南,以帮助申请人, 代理商和土地所有者正在努力寻求十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台市规划委员会批准拟议的分区或场地规划.


步骤1:审查拟议项目是否符合十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台市当地土地使用法规(分区条例), 细分规则, 《十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台》. This information can be found at the City’s Municode website. 《全球最大的博彩平台》位于《全球最大的博彩平台》第22章,紧随其后的是《全球最大的博彩平台》. 建议的用途应获准使用,或有能力获得分区调整委员会(ZBA)的特别例外, otherwise a variance will be required from the ZBA.

Step 2: Before an applicant spends too much time and effort with the proposal, 他/她应与城市规划及发展部的工作人员会面,大致审查该建议,以便听取工作人员的初步意见和意见. These comments will strengthen the application.

第三步:识别, 在市政府工作人员的帮助下, 提案中需要分区调整委员会特别例外或变更的问题,或要求放弃分区或地盘规划要求的问题. If a special exception or variance is required, the City Planner will assist in scheduling a public hearing with the ZBA. Application forms can be found here

第四步:聘请合格的新西兰土地测量师和工程师,协助申请人符合分区和场地规划审查规定. 须由持牌土地测量师拟备最终分区图则及/或地盘图则并加盖印花.

步骤5:与城市技术审查(TR)的成员会面,征求城市部门主管对申请及其是否符合适当的城市法规的意见. 规划委员会要求申请人及代理人在提交正式申请前,在其申请中满意地处理有关条例修订的意见.

第六步:与城市规划发展部的工作人员会面,提交申请. 城市规划师将审查申请清单,以确定申请是否完整. 城市规划师将为规划委员会准备一份申请的规划审查报告,工作人员将向申请人提供该报告.

在较大的项目中, the City may require that a 3rd party engineer review the technical elements (road 建设, 排水, 公用事业公司, 等.),以确保申请符合《全球最大的博彩平台》或《全球最大的博彩平台》. In addition to the 3rd party engineer review, the City may require the engineer to provide 建设 observation/inspection services. In accordance with City regulations and NH RSA 676:1, (g), 申请人应向市政府提供足够的资金,以便市政府对申请进行工程审查,并在项目建造时对其进行检查.

Step 7: The applicant should begin addressing issues and concerns identified in the Plan Review.

Step 8: The City Planner will review the proposed plan with the Planning Board and staff comments. The applicant or agent will present the plan before the Planning Board. 正常情况下, the Planning Board will vote to accept the plan as complete and then begin discussion of the plan. The applicant will receive comments on the proposal from the Planning Board. 规划委员会将采取行动,要么批准申请,要么将申请的聆讯继续进行到某一日期和时间.

步骤9:如果需要的话, incorporate comments from the Planning Board into an updated revision of the plan. The agent shall identify each revision to the plan by number and date.


Step 11: In many cases, the Planning Board approves an application with conditions. 申请人有责任确保在合理的时间内满足这些条件. 申请人可以要求延长时间,以满足所有批准条件. In accordance with City regulations and NH RSA 676:1, (i), the City staff can certify that the conditions have been met. 批准的正常条件是提交一份可接受的履约保证, 哪一种可以是现金形式, 不可撤销的信用证, 或者履约保证书. 在满足所有批准条件之前,申请不被视为获得批准,也不能在沙利文县契约登记册上记录.

While it is advisable to go to the ZBA first for the proposal, it is not required. The two processes may occur simultaneously. City staff can assist the applicant in determining the best course of action, but ultimately it is the applicant’s decision.



步骤3:在很多情况下, the ZBA approves an application the same evening it is heard, 但有时会要求提供额外的信息,并将听证会继续到下次会议. Most often applications, when approved, are done with conditions. The applicant has the responsibility to ensure that the conditions are met within. If recording at the Sullivan County Registry of Deeds is required, the applicant is responsible for the recording fees, to be paid to the City prior to recording.